We are One of Many

In order to put our project into action, we need you: You can support us with a direct loan and tell other people about us. If you want to stay up to date, subscribe to our newsletter.

The association “One of Many” (1/n) is behind this project. It arose from the need to live together permanently and affordably in Berlin.

We are a group of 13 adults and five children. The youngest of us is a few months old, the oldest is 42 years old. Our living and family configurations are diverse. Some of us have been living in a community for several years and want to be able to do so for many more years – even if children come along or relationships change. Some have recently joined the group and share the desire for a self-managed, community-owned living space.

Through our professional work and experience, we bring a lot of relevant expertise to the table, such as: architecture and urban planning, design, landscape planning, sustainability, participation, integration, finance and project work.  We are and have been involved in various community-oriented urban development projects in Berlin, such as the Kreuzberg town hall block (Dragoner Areal), the House of Statistics and the Kindl area.

We are all united by the idea that we can live better in a community, care for one another and act in solidarity. We are convinced of the idea of ​​the tenement  trust. We also want rent in Berlin to become affordable again – not just for us, but for everyone!

With “One of Many” we not only want to create space for living, but also for being. A place where people of different generations and backgrounds can live together, support each other and make a difference together.

We see ourselves as part of a growing movement for self-determined living in Berlin and look forward to exchanging ideas and networking with other initiatives.

We want to build a house that is owned and managed by many, but not by one. Our house will be one of many: We want to become part of the Mietshäuser Syndikat (MHS). The Mietshäuser Syndikat is a solidarity group with more than 190 projects throughout Germany. Properties that become part of the MHS cannot be resold, but belong to the respective house GmbH forever. This is how it works: the Haus GmbH has two shareholders. One shareholder is our housing association – that is, all those who are tenants. The other shareholder is MHS. It has a veto over the sale of the house.

What is special about our project is that we are the first group that has won a tender competition from the state of Berlin and is aiming to cooperate with the Mietshäuser Syndikat !” 

We were only able to do this because we are part of the Berlin Tenement House Syndicate Initiatives (NBMHSI) network and have connected with community-oriented urban development projects and young cooperatives.

But it is also important to us to get involved in the neighborhood. We are in contact with social organizations in the neighborhood, such as offensiv’91 e.V.

Direct loans are an important part of our funding: Direct loans are loans without the intermediation of a bank. They are solidarity-based and transparent investments made by individuals or legal entities – people like you and me, or even an association – directly to our Hausprojekt GmbH. The amount, duration and interest rate of the direct loans are determined jointly and case by case. The direct loans serve as equity for our Hausprojekt GmbH and give the bank the necessary security to grant us even more substancial loans.

  • Q4 2024: Signing of ground lease
  • 2025: Submission of planning application
  • 2026: Start of construction
  • 2027: Topping-out ceremony
  • 2028: Move in